Powered by Clean-Engine TechnologyThere are several environmental and functional factors that make motor coaches the number one choice for any type of travel. When comparing relative group sizes, motor coach travel, contributes significantly less particulates than automobile, rail, or air travel. Since 2006, International Stage Lines has purchased motor coaches that use only Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel, as well as engines that eliminate 90% of particulates (“black smoke”), and reduce the nitrous oxide content. Our driver’s will also “shut off the engine” after 3 minutes, when the coach services are not being utilized. Our customer service team, will work closely with event organizers, to ensure that transportation programs, operate with maximum efficiency, utilizing as few coaches as possible. The appearance of “too many” buses may be of concern to the general public when thinking of the environment, with our transportation systems, we will minimize traffic congestion at venue locations, without affecting the transportation needs of the conference delegates. |